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Terms and Conditions

This agreement exists between the following parties: The company: Eccles Equestrian Ltd, and the client: The individual responsible for booking the transport, or an agent/ person (s) acting on the clients behalf with their authority. In the event of more than one client entering into this agreement, those clients shall be jointly liable for any costs incurred.

All equines are carried at the clients/ owners risk. The client/ owner is personally liable for their equine(s) and is to ensure the equine(s) in question are fully insured. 

Eccles Equestrian Ltd will provide transport from the collection address provided by the client to the delivery address provided by the client. 

Eccles Equestrian Ltd will carry a limited amount of equipment/ belongings at Eccles Equestrian Ltd's discretion and by prior arrangement at no additional charge. The client is entirely liable for any equipment carried including any loss or damages, and is responsible for ensuring said equipment is insured if necessary

A deposit of 20% of the total transport cost is payable upon booking. The full transport fee, less the deposit is payable no less than 24 hours prior to the arranged collection date/ time. 

Eccles Equestrian Ltd reserves the right to cancel the contract with the client at any time. 

All collection and delivery times provided are approximate and subject to change/ delay at any time due to environmental factors and road/ traffic conditions. Any verbal or physical abuse towards company personnel as a result of such factors will not be tolerated at any time. Every effort will be made by Eccles Equestrian Ltd to keep clients well informed of any changes to proposed schedules.

Any veterinary costs incurred on or in relation to the journey are the full responsibility of the client/ owner. Eccles Equestrian Ltd reserves the right to contact a vet on the client/ owner's behalf, at the discretion of Eccles Equestrian Ltd in the event of the client/ owner being un-contactable and emergency veterinary attention being deemed necessary

Eccles Equestrian Ltd reserves the right to contact a vet on behalf of the client/ owner, in the event of an equine displaying such distress on a journey, that it poses a risk to itself, the vehicle, other road users or company personnel, or displays behavior deemed by the company to be unsafe, and in the opinion of the company requires sedation or medical intervention to resolve the situation. This action will only be taken if all other methods of attempting a resolution have been exhausted. In such circumstances, every effort will be made to contact the client/ owner prior to such action being taken. Any veterinary costs incurred under such circumstances are the full responsibility of the client/ owner. 

It is the responsibility of the client/ owner to ensure to ensure the equine(s) to be transported are in adequate health and suitably fit to travel, with the exception of equines being transported to a veterinary clinic under veterinary advice, for treatment relevant to their condition. Eccles Equestrian Ltd reserves the right to cancel the contract and refuse to provide transport, under the Welfare Of Animals (Transport) Order 1997, if they deem the equine(s) to be in inadequate health or unfit to travel. In this instance, relevant costs may still be incurred by the client/ owner. 

It is the responsibility of the client/ owner to ensure the equine(s) in question are free from known infectious or contagious diseases, and have not come into contact with such animals. Eccles Equestrian Ltd reserves the right to cancel the contract and refuse transport, if they feel any of the aforementioned to be the case. In this instance, relevant costs may still be incurred by the client/ owner. 

Eccles Equestrian Ltd reserves the right to cancel the contract and refuse to transport/ handle any equine which in the company's opinion, displays dangerous, aggressive or damaging behavior of any kind. Any losses, injury or damage caused as a result of such circumstances may result in costs being incurred by the client/ owner. 

Eccles Equestrian Ltd reserves the right to return any equine(s) to the collection address and cancel the contract, in the event of the equine(s) displaying any dangerous or damaging behavior during the course of a journey which poses a risk to the equine(s), vehicle, company personnel, other road users, or prevents a journey from being carried out safely. In this instance the client would not be entitled to a refund. 

The client may be liable to cover the cost of any severe damage caused to the vehicle by their equine(s) during transportation, which is outside of the limit of reasonable wear and tear. 

The passports of all equine(s) intended to travel must be provided by the client and held by the transporter for the duration of the journey, under the Horse Passports (England) Regulation 2004, with the exception of equines being transported for emergency veterinary attention to a clinic/ hospital. 

All transport quotes include one hour of loading time (30 minuets for shared loads). In the event of an equine requiring additional loading time, this time will be charged at £10 per 30 minuets thereafter. In the event of a failed loading, costs will still be incurred by the client. 

Journeys cancelled at less than 24 hours notice of the arranged collection time may still be charged a 100% cancellation fee at the discretion of Eccles Equestrian Ltd. 

By making a booking with Eccles Equestrian Ltd, the client agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions outlined.

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