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  • Eccles Equestrian Ltd

Covid - 19 - Driving home to a different world

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

It's hard to believe it's been a whole year since Covid - 19 first tipped the world upside down so unexpectedly. At the beginning of 2020 we travelled to the Spanish Sunshine Tour with 3 lorries of horses and 2 trailers, happily oblivious to the life changing global pandemic just around the corner.

In March 2020 as things began to develop and the UK implemented social distancing, The Spanish authorities announced an imminent lock down, and cancelled the final week of the Sunshine Tour, instructing everyone to travel their horses home. Amidst the panic and apprehension of the unknown, I was fortunate enough to catch one of the last flights to Jerez in order to drive my client's horses home to the UK. The 4 day journey was serial, as the situation rapidly developed and Spain and France went into lock down. As livestock freight, we were exempt from travel restrictions, and travelled the eerily deserted roads across the mountains and through France, wondering what we were going to arrive home to. Our ferry docked in to Dover the day before the UK lock down was announced. We were very relieved to get the horses home safely, but felt we had come home to a different world.

Back home on Suffolk soil, the first UK lock down was a worrying an confusing time for everyone. As a horse transporter we followed government and DEFRA guidelines, and were only able to move horses for welfare and veterinary purposes. Luckily we had relatively few emergencies during lock down 1, enabling us to stay home and stay safe as much as possible. The remainder of the year and subsequent lock downs allowed us to continue working and transporting, (under strict government guidance and Covid safety measures) and we found ourselves incredibly busy.

We really are grateful for the continued support from our customers throughout this turbulent year, and we are pleased you chose us to transport your horses rather than doing so yourselves, enabling more of you to stay home and stay safe. It has been an incredibly challenging time for everyone and our thoughts go out to anyone who has lost loved ones or suffered at the hands of this terrible virus. With Covid vaccinations now well underway and some light at the end of the tunnel, lets hope for the sake of each and every one of us that better times are coming!

Stay safe and stay positive!


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